Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Off To The Presses!!!

G2 is proud to announce that The Triad #1: B&W has been sent today to Ka-Blam Digital Printing (http://ka-blam.com/printing/index.php?page=Home) and will be ready for release within mere weeks! Can you say "RELEASE PARTY?"

But the last few weeks have not been all celebration. Daniel has been working night and day to wrap up the inks, lettering, and the amazing cover, now visible at www.G2comics.com. But despite the hard work, and after careful planning and plotting of the pages, we had determined, much to our chagrin, just before sending the pages to Ka-Blam that a crucial two-page spread was not going to fall on facing pages. Racking our brains, we finally came up with a plan that involved cutting a cool but non-crucial scene from what used to be page 6. (Of course, you can still find this scene in The Triad: Preview, and in The Triad: ASHCAN books.) Nonetheless, I think I've convinced Daniel to hang on to this excellent piece of art to use in a future book, or perhaps as a variant cover on #1 as things progress for us.

And delving into progress, the plan remains to continue to tell the story of The Triad, with Daniel beginning work on pencils for the full color Triad #2 this week in preparation for the WizardWorld Chicago Comic Con August 7th, 8th, and 9th. Upon completion of Triad #4, which is the final installment in the "Soul Saver's" story-line, we plan to re-release Triad #1 in full color to make the collection complete. I am sure we will be looking at adding some cool stuff to what could easily become our first "Director's Cut" book (perhaps a preview of Daniel Gracey's own Antic: The Chapters of Levith? We will let Daniel decide!)

And G2 is not planning to stop there. We have loads of stories to tell, including Redd Kross (from the pages of The Triad), and even Tales of the Triad giving a glimpse of the Angelus Elect that fought long before the time of Lysandra. There are also intentions for new ideas, such as Daniel's Antic; my cosmic superteam, The Collective; and 74, an updated look at time travel (though some of these are only in the development stages.) With all that work, G2 may need to find an extra artist to help out!

But we are not ready to start accepting resume's yet. I suppose I should let us get off the ground first, and we are definitely putting every effort into making The Triad a great book that is easily accessible to comic book fans. Daniel has even begun to meet with local St. Louis comic shops, and though many of the larger chains are loyal to mega-distributors, we hope to see our book in stores by September. We'll also be setting up on-line ordering options for #1 and the Preview!

Needless to say, we are thrilled to be on the verge of seeing our work in print, and in the hands of our fans. And thanks to Daniel's hard work, and our friends at Ka-Blam, we are witnessing our dream ready to take flight!

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